martes, 31 de mayo de 2016


Probably you all know what a paradox is, but you just know a few of them. For all of you that don't know what it is, a paradox is a question which has no answer, or at least not a logical one. Today, I'm gonna show you all some questions that can make your mind explote so easy. Let's go!

I wanted to start slowly, I promise, but this surpasses me. Let's analize.
Here we have Pinocchio saying that his nose is going to grow. Pinocchio's nose grows just when he's lying, but if he says that the nose is going to grow, he's not lying...Your turn.

Another one, this can't be sane. This has no logical sense. My god, I'm a scientist, I'm an empirical guy, and these questions with no answer annoy me. If one is true the other one can't be false... Let's move on.

Okay, I'm done. I'm done. I'm done. I quit, no more paradox. This one beats me. Its just...Mindblown.

Are videogames art?

This is one of the biggest questions for all the gamer community, are the videogames art or not?
Well, to answer this, we may know the definition of art, which is the expression or aplication of human skill and imagination. It isn't a very complete definition, but it's enough to our little work today.
In reality, videogames are just an upgrade of the cinema, the music and the paints. Why? So simple. The videogames are a mixture of these three arts adding also the quality of being playable. So, then we have that by the definition it can't fit in, but it's just an improvement of the other arts, so, what then?
Being subjective, I would say that not every game is art, as not every film is it, or every painting as well. It's a lot more for your own to determinate it. So, I would say a big big YES.


Maybe this title doesn't make any sense for many of you but, what about this?

 photo d0f9872508e6_zpszqpcyhpr.gif
This, is Eminem. If you don't know him you may life under a rock, or under the sea... or maybe you are just still using Internet Explorer. He has many songs, but recently I've been hearing to one called Mosh, upon which he expresses his dissapointment with the Iraq war, and trying to open people's eyes:

I give my sight to the blind, my insight through the mind
I exercise my right to express when I feel it's time

I also found really fun the way how he finally culminates his song by saying:

Stomp, push, shove, mush, Fuck Bush! Until they bring our troops home (c'mon).

I don't know if he would do something like "Fuck Obama!" actually, but definetly our dark skinned president is a thousand times better than Bush, or at least he doesn't show without any kind of respect his economic interests.
I also asked my father about the reaction of the war in Iraq, and he told me that in general, it wasn't really accepted by the average people, so my question is why did the government accepted that carnage? Aren't we a democracy? So now, more than ever..FUCK BUSH!

jueves, 26 de mayo de 2016


I have already done a backflip, which was the scariest trick to do, and thankfully, one of my best friends helped me doing it. I really enjoyed that moment, even more with my friends supporting me.
I have already won a Taekwondo competition. It was in France last year. I was really nervous because my oponent was really tall and he looked quite strong, but with my family and friends cheering me up, I finally did it.
I have already been to Greece. In fact, I've been there at least 10 times, because my parents met and also studied there, so we all love to be Greek at least once a year.
I haven't done the Route 66 yet. It's been one of my biggest dreams since I saw a youtuber series of him doing it. Maybe if one day I can, I wish I could do it with a Harley Davidson.
Connected to this last one, I haven't bought a Harley Davidson yet. I decided I wanted a Harley when I saw an old man with this kind of motorbikes, looking like one of the Motörhead members, with his leather jacket, the American flag in his bag and leather boots 'till his knee.

Finally, I haven't been a father yet,(fortunately). Even I joke about this, to raise a child by my own is my biggest dream. I think I wanted to be the cool father that every little boy wants to. Maybe when I am a father, I'll be one of these annoying fathers that everyone hates, but can't know it, for the moment.

jueves, 19 de mayo de 2016

Romantic movie

This film isn't romantic at all, but it has romantic scenes where the protagonist (John Reid),  has love tension with Rebecca Reid(his brother's wife).
I chose this one because it's not a normal love story. In this case, John and Rebecca had a relationship until he went to study in San Francisco. They wrote one another, but after 9 years of distant love, they finished their relationship. After that, Rebecca married Dan Reid(John's brother). And when the film starts, we can see how Dan tells John that she would always prefer him, and to take care of her.
And at the end of the movie we can see how John kisses Rebecca, which is kind of weird, because in the end,she happens to be his dead brother's wife.
Anyways, I love it.

jueves, 5 de mayo de 2016

A UNESCO World Heritage Site

The place I decided is the historic center of Rome, because I love the spirit you can feel in Rome, specially in Fontana di Trevi. I think there you can feel like a real artist of the XV century, just by walking alone in the streets(which is quite difficult, this city is always full of turists). As a curiosity, there is a psichological disease, which is called "the artist sindrome" and it makes you to feel like if you don't deserve to walk by the same streets as Da Vinci or Miguel Angelo, so you finally finish killing yourself or destroying any kind of culture's work. I think that maybe that's the reason of why a crazy man would destroy La Gioconda, or

It was inscripted in 1980.