jueves, 15 de octubre de 2015

My biggest dream

One of my biggest dreams,is to join the CAR of Sant Cugat,and be a taekwondo elit athlete.

This isn't possible because I don't train enough.But this year,if I am as good to win the November competition,it's possible to go there.It will take me longer time because

My hero

My hero probably is Aaron Fotheringham, or most known as "Wheelz", who is an extreme wheelchair athlete who has landed many world first's; like a backflip in a wheelchair at age 14 , a double backflip at age 18, and recently he has landed a frontflip. He is also trying to land a double frontflip. His philosophy is: "If it hurts,it means that you're alive".

I love his way to live life, always with a smile in his face. He's a super positive person, really courageous,because he jumps off with his wheelchair some ramps that I never could jump even in a bike.

Animal in me

My animal is the Lion

  • Medium to large sized:Yes I am,because I'm 1.80m so i think it's medium to large sized.
  • Powerful:Yes I am,when I'm angry,better don't come to me.
  • Good looking:I'm really sexy.
  • Compelling:I can be a really heavy man if I decide to convince someone.
  • Courageous:I'm really cold blooded and I don't get afraid
  • Tyrannical:I'm not very agree to this adjective,because of I'm not an aggresive person,just in a few times,when I need it.
  • Scientific Name

    Panthera leo

    Collective Term

    A pride of lions

    Careers and Hobbies

    • Judge:
    • CEO
    • Business owner
    • Manager
    • Fine dining
    • Competitive sports
    • High fashion
    • Hunting


    • Nicholas Cage
    • Ted Turner
    • Sharon Stone