jueves, 10 de diciembre de 2015

Comic relief

  • What is the comic relief?
Is the inclusion of humorous characters,scenes,or witty dialogue in an otherwise serious work.
  • Why is it often used in horror films?
It's often used to relieve tense moments.
  • Do you remember laughing in horror films?Can you think of an example?
Yes,maybe in The Shining because the father of the family seems like a funny crazy man,but not to share room with him.

domingo, 6 de diciembre de 2015

It's Christmas time!

Oh Christmas...what a good time.Everyone is happy,giving presents,saying how much do they love their family...but nobody cares about Santa. He's the employer of the year!He only works once a year,but when he does it,I think that he would be as estressed as a McDonald's employer in a friday night,because he has to travel all over the world to give presents to children.Sometimes,to children that for sure don't deserve.This remember me to one quote of my uncle,talking about how his son works in the family business:"My son,Max?Oh,he works like Santa;Once a year,and besides that,it's falsehood.Then we have the three wise man,but they're three,obviously it's one hundred times easier.I mean,they have dope camels too.Can you ask something better than having camels who are better than Dakar rallies?And yes,I know that Santa has a super elegant carriage,with flying reindeer pulling it...are we serious?I want to work once a year and have dope camels or swag reindeers!Why can't I?Maybe I have to add in my bucket list:-Have really dope camels and reindeers pulling my Aston Martin through the sky,at the same time I throw dollars to the children and I scream:"I'm better than Santa,guys!And I'm real!!"

jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2015

Pit and Pendelum

What is the story of P&P about?
It's about a man that is in a cell and he discover that there is a pit with water at the bottom. The condemned man is able to attract rats to his bond and the rats start chewing through the ropes. The walls get inward pushing the man into the pit and when he was about to fall into the pit an arm catched him and save him.

Without me?

Yesterday,I was listening to one of my favourite songs(Without me-Eminem)and I started thinking of what could happen if I dissappear,of what would people do without me,Do the world feel more empty?So I just start thinking and it was a super strange thing,because I always think of what people would...but if I'm there,never if I'm not. I've also thought what I prefer,to be telekinetic or to be telepathic,and of course I prefer telekinetic,because maybe if I had telepathy,I can discover horrible things about what people thinks about me,like maybe they don't like to be my friend, or something like that,so it's not a really good idea to have this "superpower".I don't think that knowing what could happen if I die or something it's good,maybe it's just better to not know which moment will be your last,alive to be a mistery of it all.

martes, 1 de diciembre de 2015


These two past weeks have been horrible. They were the “exam week”. For pure definition, are the weeks where the student wants to kill himself, because we have too much exams. And the exams are not the worst, the worst it’s when you arrive home with your mind destroyed, because you’ve done a really hard exam, and next day you have two of them. But at least when you finish these two weeks, you feel like you can fly over the rainbow and be happy without caring about anybody, and enjoying the freedom. Sometimes you can have three exams in a day...come on, three??Are we crazy? That’s not human, then don’t cry if I fail the exam (just kidding, if I fail I’ll be hanging in a tree next day). Two days ago, I was talking with a French friend, who actually has finished his exam week and now he has got two weeks without school(Benjamin, I hate you). So,then,why we have to do them?I disagree with the exam system,because I find it useless;someone who has better memory, usually haves better mark,no matter who is smarter(normally). And isn't good for teachers,too.My mom is really tired when it's exam week,and she works all day long,so I don't know why we can't do another type of week. Why not the week of the true happiness, giving free hugs to everybody?I hate exam week.